關於我們 About Us
成立於 Established in
盧敦華人基督教會乃由英國基督教華僑佈道會所創立。早在1986 及1987 年間, 張堯勳牧師曾帶領過两隊夏季短宣隊探訪盧敦市及附近各處的華人。 籍着神奇妙的恩典,在1987年的8月就立刻成立了查經班,而且人數日漸增長, 其中有還很多弟兄姊妹是從米頓堅而來的。於是在 1988年10月9日在盧敦市中心的循道會便開始了盧敦華人褔音堂第一次主日崇拜。然後人數繼續增長, 到了1990年7月, 住在米頓堅的那些弟兄姊妹也開始成立了米頓堅華人基督教會。 及至2007年8月19日的會友大會, 盧敦華人褔音堂決定改名為” 盧敦華人基督教會”, 並登記註冊成為正式慈善機構, 寫成自己的教會憲章。 是的, 因着我們教堂内一個長老多年來的祈禱, 神奇妙地成就了她所求的, 就是創立了盧敦華人基督教會, 而且, 神又用一部份的弟兄姊妹建立了今天的米頓堅華人教會, 看見弟兄姊妹的蒙褔與他們被改造的新生命,就見証著神奇妙的恩典。 |
Luton Chinese Christian Church was founded by the Chinese Overseas Christian Mission in England. It was back in 1986 and 1987 when Pastor Frank Cheung had led two Summer Outreach Teams to visit the Chinese people in Luton and the surrounding districts. With the wonderful grace of God, a Bible Study Group was instantly formed in August 1987. This group had then grown gradually into a much larger congregation including a lot of brothers and sisters from Milton Keynes. Consequently, the first Sunday Service was held on 9 October 1988 in the Methodist church in High Town of Luton. Then the congregation had grown even bigger so much that in the July 1990, Milton Keynes Chinese Church was further established and some of us had started their service there. Until a meeting of the members on 19/8/2007, Luton Chinese Christian Congregation had decided to adopt the name of “Luton Chinese Christian Church” in order to register with the Charity Commission and therefore written our Church Constitution. Yes, because one of our elders was praying for many years, God had answered her prayer and established the Luton Chinese Christian Church, and in addition, the Milton Keynes Chinese Church. As we can see that our brothers and sisters are so blessed with their transformed new lives, it is a witness of God’s amazing grace. |